Quality and Medical Excellence

Patients are at the heart of everything we do. We are always striving to improve our services, which is why all our doctors and paramedical teams receive regular training, using the latest equipment and cameras. Our physicians take part in local and regional multidisciplinary consultation meetings and work in close collaboration with your prescribing doctors, to ensure every patient benefits from the right examination and the best treatment.

People-Centred Approach, Ethics and Medical Deontology

All of our centres offer patients short waiting lists and respect for appointment times, except in the case of emergencies. Each patient is welcomed and accompanied by our teams throughout the examination process, to ensure they benefit from the best possible conditions while respecting medical confidentiality. Examination results are posted on our secure website and are handed over or sent out as quickly as possible: in person for scintigraphy; at the latest the following day to your prescribing doctor for PET scans (double reading of each PET scan by two nuclear medicine physicians).

Equal Access to Care

Each of our centres offers different nuclear imaging techniques, scintigraphy and PET scans, to ensure we meet patients’ needs. We welcome all patients, regardless of their condition or level of social security cover, in a spirit of respect for individual dignity and cultural diversity. All of our doctors work in sector 1 of the French health insurance system, meaning there are no extra fees.

Safety and Respect for Standards

As part of our ongoing commitment to patient safety, we ensure strict respect for the DTARS (Territorial delegations of the French regional health agency) and ASN (French nuclear safety authority) standards in force in our profession. Accordingly, all our cameras and equipment are subject to regular internal checks with scheduled maintenance provided by the industrial manufacturers. In addition, our operations are periodically inspected by external bodies and authorities (APAVE and ASN) to certify compliance with current standards.


We are an independent and self-employed medical company. We recognise our social and economic responsibilities, both in our practice as doctors and as a company. Our organisation cares about the future of its teams and employees and is always striving for growth and professional development, with due respect for the law and working conditions.

Partners & Learned Societies